Equip 2026

Dates and Location TBD

This is the starting point of training for parishes who want to begin offering the ChristLife process.

Equip provides the necessary and comprehensive vision and training to bring to life Discovering Christ, Following Christ, and Sharing Christ as an evangelization process in your parish.

Strengthen 2025

September 12-14, 2025
North East, MD

Strengthen 2025 is an opportunity to be encouraged in your personal walk with Jesus, grow in relationship with other ChristLife teams in our common mission, and experience a time of refreshment to take the ChristLife Process to the next level.

What is ChristLife?

The ChristLife evangelization process is a proven method of igniting the new evangelization by providing a relational context to begin to make missionary disciples at the parish level. 

 “With great joy, I recommend ChristLife to parishes and dioceses looking to respond to the church’s urgent call to a new evangelization."

-Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore